Top 5 vegetable protein to eat instead of meat

Jul 12, 2018 11:37 PM EDT

Proteins play an important role in health. Proteins are not only substances that make up muscles, but also perform various functions in various ways in our bodies.

Collagen to maintain the elasticity of the skin, antibodies that play a pivotal role in the immune system that our bodies fight against external invasions such as bacteria and viruses, and the hemoglobin of red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body.

Protein is not only in lean meat, fish, or eggs. Vegetable proteins in leaves, seeds, nuts, whole grains, etc. have various health effects. "One Green Planet" introduced 5 kinds of vegetable foods that feed protein and add flavor when put into salad.

1. Mushroom

Mushrooms that are plants but have meat-like texture are called 'vegetable steaks' because they are rich in protein and minerals. One potabella mushroom contains about 5 grams of protein. In addition, mushrooms contain beta-glucan and antioxidant selenium that enhance immunity and inhibit cancer cell growth.

2. Chickpeas

It is also called Egyptian bean, and its shape looks like a chick's face and is named chickpea. A cup of chickpeas contains 15 grams of protein. It is used for various dishes such as sauce, salad, and soup. In addition to proteins, chickens have plenty of calcium, dietary fiber, and vegetarians enjoy it.

3. Pumpkin seed

It is good to eat in salad. Provide enough protein without too much. In addition to proteins, pumpkin seeds also contain a lot of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E. Unsaturated fatty acids are good for cardiovascular health and vitamin E is helpful for emotional stability and fatigue relief.

4. Lucola

Rucola, called Arugula in English, is a spice vegetable mainly used in Italy. It is widely used for salads and pizza. Compared to spinach, one cup of rucola contains 5 grams of protein. Lucola is also rich in vitamins and minerals. Used as a topping for salads, spaghetti, pizza, etc., rucola has a unique flavor.

5. Lentil beans
Lentils are also called lentils. Lentil has long been a favorite in the Middle East and Africa. Lentils are usually cooked after making a soup, boiled or moderately boiled and put into salad.

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