6 good habits to promote male hormones

Jul 11, 2018 10:07 PM EDT

1. Men's Menopause Easy to Neglect

Men also experience menopausal disorders that are as good as women. It is a symptom that occurs at the time of sexual hormone decline due to testicular degeneration. In women aged 45-55, the ovaries aging cause female hormone secretion to decrease, causing menopause, and men also experience rapid male hormone reduction in this age group.

According to the Department of Urology of Asan Medical Center in Seoul, male hormones have decreased by about 1% each year since the age of 30, and male hormones have decreased from normal levels in 30-50% of men in their 50s and 70s. The testosterone, the male hormone, is mainly produced in the testicles and regulates male physical and mental status and plays a leading role in masculinity and sexual life.

Men with menopausal symptoms such as drinking, smoking, obesity and miscarriage habits, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus are more likely to become menopausal when the male hormone secretion is decreasing. The problem is that unlike women, male menopause does not have a 'presence'. Like Song, her husband is depressed, but her work stress can be misunderstood. This is why male menopause is left untreated and can develop into a serious disease.

2. Expose male menopause!

Men's menopause needs to be turned out like a woman's menopause in order to wisely. Because it is a natural aging phenomenon, do not hide it, but you should get cooperation from your family and others. Men's menopause is a sexual decline and erectile dysfunction, such as sexual dysfunction is also manifested, it may cause a couple of discord.

Song misunderstood her husband, who initially avoided married couples, but she was comforted by handing warm words to her after she had been late for men's symptoms. I also tried to do hobbies such as walking and watching movies. He also expressed his enthusiasm for Dong-Byeon Sang-ryun, saying that he is experiencing severe menopause. Appropriate sexuality based on a spouse's understanding helps to overcome menopause. Her only daughter knows that her father's depression and irritation is a symptom of menopause, and she presents good health foods for male hormones.

3. Do strength work before it's too late.

Among middle-aged and older men, there are people whose limbs are thin and unhealthy. It is because of the symptom of decreasing muscle mass with age. According to Professor Seung-gil Lim, a professor of endocrinology at the Severance Hospital, "The muscle mass is 1% per year and the muscle strength is 1.5% per year at 30-40 years of age," he said. "Muscle weight loss should be viewed as a disease I'm getting this power. "

Decreased male hormone reduces muscle mass and bone density. Bones and muscles are different in composition, but muscle mass and bone density are closely linked. When muscle is stimulated, myokine, which is synthesized, enters the bloodstream as it makes muscle, affecting other organs such as bones. Sex hormones, growth hormones, exercise, and vitamin D affect muscle mass and bone density.

You should exercise your heel down or use the stairs often to prevent your thigh muscles from shrinking. You can do full-strength exercises at the gym, but it will help you to increase your walking time, push-ups every time, and strengthen your muscles just by lifting your dumbbells.

4. Good Men's Menopause

Zinc is a nutrient that promotes male hormone secretion. It is rich in seafood such as oysters, crab, shrimp, soybeans, sesame, pumpkin seeds. Eating these foods often is good for improving male hormone levels. In addition to zinc, garlic, leek, tomatoes, broccoli, and nuts are good foods for men. It is helpful to eat proper amount of healthy functional food for male hormone secretion.

Lifestyle should also be improved by quitting smoking and abstaining from drinking. Reduced sex hormones can easily come out of the belly fat, so you should eat high calorie food and often eat vegetables and fruits. To strengthen muscle strength, meat, eggs and protein-rich foods should eat a moderate amount.

5. Let's have a pleasurable hobby

Having a hobby helps to relieve menopausal symptoms. It is better to feel pleasure and give more pleasure to hobby than to exercise or game that requires tension or tension. Pleasant activity increases the amount of serotonin hormone that makes you feel happy and relieves depression caused by menopause.

Professor Lee Sung-won, a professor of urology at Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, said, "If you neglect male menopause, you may seriously harm your health after middle age." To maintain male hormones, proper lifestyle, exercise, regular sexual life and adequate sleep and rest are helpful "He said.

6. Patients with high blood pressure, diabetes, liver disease should be more careful

Chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, and liver disease can affect male hormone levels due to the effects of various medications. Men in their 40s and 50s who enjoy alcohol, tobacco, and frequent high fat meals are more susceptible to chronic diseases, which can make menopausal symptoms worse.

Men with menopausal symptoms such as diabetes mellitus can cause severe sexual dysfunction. You should pass this period well for a healthy and long-lasting health. Preventing and managing hypertension, diabetes, and liver disease through moderated life and exercise can protect male health.

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