How to lose weight fast: 3 science-based steps
There are many ways to lose a lot of flesh.
But many of them do not make you hungry or get satisfactory results.
If you do not have the will of steel, hunger will stop you from planning your diet.
Here is the rough plan:
- Reduce appetite significantly.
- Quickly live without hunger.
- Improve your metabolism at the same time.
Three steps to quickly lose weight
1. Decrease sugar and carbohydrate intake
The most important part is reducing sugar and carbohydrate intake.
These are foods that most promote insulin secretion. If you do not know yet, you can think of insulin as a body fat storage hormone.
As insulin levels drop, fats easily escape from stored fat and the body starts burning fat instead of carbohydrates.
Another benefit of lowering insulin levels is that excess kidneys are excreted in the amount of sodium and water. This will reduce swelling and eliminate the weight of unwanted water.
It is not uncommon for you to consume your body fat and body water 5 kilos (or more) in a week as you consume food in this way.
This is a comparison of low-carb and low-fat diets in obese women.
The low-carb diet group had to eat until distribution, while the low-fat group had limited calories and had to feel hungry. But the effect was higher in the low-carb group.
Lose carbohydrate foods show. If you reduce insulin, you will start eating less without hunger.
Briefly, lowering insulin causes fat loss to occur automatically.
Summary: Reducing sugar and carbohydrates in the diet lowers insulin levels and decreases your appetite. And it makes me lose weight without hunger.
2. Eat protein, fat and vegetables.
Every meal should include protein, fat and low-carbohydrate vegetables. Organizing your diet in this way will automatically set your carbohydrate intake to the recommended daily dose of 20 to 50 grams.
Protein intake sources include meat (beef, chicken, pork, lamb, bacon, etc.), fish and seafood (salmon, shrimp, lobster, trout), eggs (omega-3 abundant or best produced in pastures) There is.
The importance of eating a rich protein will not be overestimated.
This has been shown to promote metabolism by 80 to 100 calories.
High protein diets can reduce obsessive thoughts about food by 60 percent. And it will reduce your aspiration for midnight by half and give you a full feeling of eating 441 calories a day. Just add protein to your diet.
Protein is king of nutrients in terms of weight loss.
Low-carbohydrate vegetables include broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, kale, cabbage, cabbage, cabbage, modern, lettuce, cucumber and celery.
Do not be afraid to put low-carbohydrate vegetables on the table. Eating a large amount of vegetables does not exceed a total of 20 to 50 carbohydrates.
Fat sources include olive oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, butter, and resin.
Take 2-3 meals a day. If you feel hungry in the afternoon, have a fourth meal.
Do not be afraid to eat fat. Trying low-carb and low-fat at the same time is a recipe for failure. It will make you miserable and discard your plans.
The best cooking oil is coconut oil. It is rich in fat called intermediate ring triglycerides. This fat is more full and can promote metabolism slightly more than other fat.
There is no reason to be afraid of this triglyceride. New research has shown that saturated fat does not raise the risk of heart disease at all.
Summary: Make every meal a protein, a fat source and a low-carbohydrate vegetable. This will allow you to eat between 20 and 50 grams of carbohydrates and lower your insulin levels.
3. Perform weight training three times a week.
You do not have to exercise in these plans. But exercise is a recommendation.
The best choice is to go to the gym three or four times a week. Prepare, weigh and stretch.
If you are new to the gym, ask your trainer for some advice.
Weight training will burn some calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down. Decreased metabolic rate is a common side effect of losing weight.
A study of the low-carb diet shows that you can get some muscle while subtracting a significant amount of body fat.
If weight training is not right for you, it may be enough to do easier cardiopulmonary exercises such as running, jogging, swimming or walking.
Summary: It is best to do some resistance exercise, such as weight training. If it is not right, cardiopulmonary exercises will also work.
Optional - Carbohydrate reuptake once a week.
At least once a week, you can set a rest day to get more carbohydrates. Many people prefer Saturday.
It is important to adhere to healthy carbohydrate sources such as oats, rice, quinoa, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and fruits.
But allow only one day more carbohydrates. If the frequency of eating more carbohydrates increases, the plan is likely to fail.
If you are going to eat cheap and unhealthy things, try this day.
Be aware that cheap food and carbohydrate re-uptake are not essential. However, they can promote the release of fat burning hormones such as leptin and thyroid hormone.
While carbohydrate re-uptake can lead to some flesh, most increases are in water and will be removed in 1-2 weeks.
Summary: It is not necessary, but completely acceptable, to have a day to eat more carbohydrates a day.
What about calorie and volume control?
It is not necessary to measure one calorie while keeping carbohydrates low and sticking to protein, fat and low-carbohydrate vegetables.
10 quick and easy weight loss tips
1. Eat a high protein breakfast. High-protein breakfasts have been shown to reduce food intake and calorie intake throughout the day.
2. Avoid sweet drinks and fruit juices. These are the most fattening things. And avoiding these will help you lose weight.
3. Drink water 30 minutes before eating. One study showed that eating water 30 minutes before eating increased the weight loss by 44% over 3 months.
4. Choose foods that are friendly to weight loss. Certain foods are very helpful in weight loss.
5. Eat soluble fiber. Soluble fiber has been shown to reduce fat, especially abdominal fat, in one study. Fiber supplements such as glucomannan are also helpful.
6. Drink coffee or tea. If you drink coffee or tea, drink as much as you like. Caffeine accelerates dandruff 3-11%.
7. Eat almost unprocessed foods. Put the foundation of your diet on natural foods. They are healthier, more satisfying and less likely to overeat.
8. Eat slowly. People who eat fast eat more as time goes by. Eating slowly makes you feel full and promotes weight-loss hormones.
9. Use a small dish. Studies have shown that using a small dish will automatically eat less. Strange but effective.
10. Take a good night's sleep every night. Quality bad sleep is the strongest risk factor for weight gain. So it is important to pay attention to sleep.
Summary: It is most important to follow three rules. But there are other tips to speed it up.
How quickly will you lose weight (and other benefits)
You can expect to lose 2 to 5 kilos in the first week. Continued weight loss will continue.
I personally can lose one or two kilos in a few weeks when I keep these rules intact.
If you do your diet for the first time, the effect will appear quickly. The more you have to lose, the faster the effect will be.
You will feel strange for the first few days. In recent years your body has burned carbohydrates. It will take some time to get used to burning instead of fat.
It is called a low-carbohydrate cold and lasts for several days. In my case it lasted for 3 days. Adding some sodium to your diet may help.
After that most people showed a very good condition. At this point you become a fat burning creature.
Despite the 10-day anti-fatigue hysteria, the low-carbohydrate diet shows health-promoting effects in other areas.
The blood glucose level tends to be lowered. The triglyceride tends to be lowered. Small, dense LDL cholesterol falls. HDL cholesterol is rising. Blood pressure is significantly improved. The best of these is that low-carb diets are easier to follow than low-fat diets.
Summary: You will expect to lose a large amount of flesh, but how quickly you lose weight will vary from person to person. Low-carb diets are also beneficial to health in other ways.
You do not have to starve to lose weight.
If you have a disease, consult your doctor before making changes to your diet. Because this plan may affect the intake for medication.
By reducing carbohydrate intake and lowering insulin levels, you can change your hormone environment and make your body and brain want to lose weight.
This drastically reduces appetite and hunger, which are the main causes of people failing traditional weight loss methods.
It turned out to be two or three times as fat as a typical low-fat low-carbon diet.
Another good benefit for people who lack patience is that essential body water reduction can be effective as soon as the next morning.
With this plan, you will be able to eat a good amount of food until you have distributed it, and you will be able to remove a significant amount of fat. Welcome to Paradise.
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